Tools for everyone. For Free.

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GoCodeGreen's mission is to help you undertake a more complete decarbonisation of your digital products and services. Our full range of IT screening estimation tools and detailed lifecycle stage assessments for software applications and platforms are available by contacting us at or via the Connect page on our website. Access our learning using the link provided.

You can access our free to use self assessments, checklists and top level carbon impact assessments below:

Self Assessments

Our self assessments are free to use for all individuals wanting to receive an immediate rating. If you are looking for an entire engineering, product or design team to complete the self assessments and receive more detailed management information on the overall performance of the team then please contact us at for more information.


Download these checklists to help guide your sustainable IT decisions. There are three different checklists suitable for leaders, engineers and designers, each tailored to the specific remit of your role. Use them in conjunction with the training available at the GoCodeGreen Learning Academy to maximise your impact.

Carbon Impact Assessments

Before you undertake a full screening of your IT estate or detailed digital product lifecycle assessments to drive real carbon reduction consider using our simple impact assessments for both corporates and SMEs. Based on the insights and data captured from across different sectors and companies over the last two years, these are rapid and easy to use assessments aimed at helping you understand the scale of impact and opportunities to improve the energy efficiency of your technology.


All calculations and ratings are driven by the data and insights captured from over two years of working with clients and running multiple software and people related assessments. The ratings are intended to be indicative only. GoCodeGreen take no responsibility or liability for any decisions or actions you choose to take based on the rating provided. You are responsible for the accuracy of your responses. All ratings can improve or degrade following full screening, product or people assessments.


Your estimated carbon footprint is



vs. similar software products in the marker

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