Software Assessments

Imagine you could understand the carbon impact of your entire software estate, make decisions on the future of those applications whilst understanding both the environmental and financial implications of those changes. Imagine you could determine the impact of a software product, before you built it. Well that's exactly what we can help with our 3 software analysis tools, ATLAS™, CEDAR™ and CEDRUS™.

Software Assessments


Digital Carbon Impact Screening

Software carbon heat map.
AtlasTM provides an initial screening estimation for a software estate based on data collected from our Cedar assessments completed by GCG across multiple industry sectors and organisations. It provides a rapid estimation of the carbon emission impact by categorising your applications within the AtlasTM framework. AtlasTM provides software estimation in the GCG Discovery Phase and supports drafting of the initial Digital Carbon Reduction Plan and a method for prioritising future CedarTM deep dive assessments to maximise action and impact.


Digital Product Lifecycle Assessments

Screen shot of a CEDAR assessment summary
The GoCodeGreen carbon impact product assessment calculates the entire carbon cost of a software product in both production (build and iteration) and use (operation). Underpinned by the GHG Protocol ICT Sector Guidance, GHG Product Standard and ISO standards for software measurement, the platform takes the complex task of carbon lifecycle assessments into the digital world.

The true, full carbon impact of a software product is provided with measurement results supported by baselining, performance ratings and actionable insights that can help a client to reduce the carbon impact of
their software solutions and digital services. Average calculated reduction opportunities across all assessed products is currently 56%.

• Independent assessment
• More than cloud based workload measurement
• Actionable insights to reduce carbon impact
• Retrospective, in-flight or at design stage assessments
• Aggregated views across multiple software products or across an
entire digital service or business value chain
• No personal data is required, GDPR compliant


Design-stage simulation

The GoCodeGreen Design-Stage Simulation assessment is a streamlined version of the full product assessment aimed at providing technology teams with a predicted carbon impact rating based on the choices they make at design stage. This early stage assessment can help ensure product development starts with sustainability in mind, and choices can be tested before any code is even written.